Forrester Report: The State of Conversational AI Read the report —>

How Customer Service Is Evolving in 2020

As we enter the new decade, experts across all industries are making predictions about emerging trends. Customer service is no exception. One thing is clear: Customer service as an industry is becoming increasingly digital.

Consumers today are busier than ever. When it comes to customer service, they don’t want to spend time making phone calls and waiting on hold to speak to a representative. Instead, consumers are increasingly turning to digital avenues for their customer service needs.

Digital, asynchronous conversations are replacing time-consuming phone calls because they allow consumers to text, chat, and messaging whenever its convenient for them.  Expect to invest in digital customer service in the coming year.

2020 Customer Service Trends

If you want your business to grow in 2020, keep an eye on these emerging customer service trends for the ever changing digital age:

1. Consumers Will Look to Social Media for Customer Service

If your company is still leaving your social media channels in the hands of interns, 2020 is the time to rethink your strategy. Your customer service experts should be dedicating their time and resources where most of your audience will be — and that’s on social media.

Almost 70% of consumers have turned to social media at least once in search of resolutions for customer service issues. Make sure your company is prepared to provide them with a good experience.

2. Companies Will Invest in Automated Customer Service

While there are some customer service scenarios that will always need a human touch, advances in technology are making automated customer service more and more viable.

Algorithms and machine learning can help your business in a variety of ways, from fraud detection and prevention to improved product search and — you guessed it — customer service. Automated, intelligent chatbots can assist customers with simple inquiries, while your skilled customer service representatives tackle more challenging issues.

3. Customers Want Real-Time Support

When customers have questions about your products or services, they want immediate access to a service representative through texting or live chat.

By offering real-time support, on asynchronous digital channels, your company can reduce response time and boost customer engagement and satisfaction.

4. Services Will Have More Value Than Products

In 2020, consumers already have far more products than they need. Instead, a gradual shift has begun from shopping for products to buying experiences.

This doesn’t necessarily mean your company’s offerings need to undergo a dramatic change. But don’t underestimate the value of a good experience when it comes to customer service. A customer who has a poor experience with a company’s customer service is not only unlikely to return — there’s a good chance that they will also tell others about their experience. Every customer interaction can have a lasting impact on your company. Be sure to make it count in 2020.

Quiq Can Kickstart Better Customer Service Experiences

At Quiq, we take pride in powering conversations between consumers and companies. Explore our website to learn more and contact us today. Better yet, try out a demo! We can’t wait to help your company grow in 2020 and beyond.

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National Association of Convenience Stores: Retailers Tackle Mobile Shopping

Quiq is on a mission to transform customer conversations. First we made it easier for companies to engage with customers over the digital channels they prefer, like SMS/text, web chat, and social. Now, we’re making it possible to automate those conversations and streamline your workflow with the help of bots and conversation rules.

We’re excited to announce a new product to our lineup called Quiq IQ, a complete solution to build, manage and optimize chatbots for your business. In short, Quiq IQ is the no-code, intuitive answer to build and deploy bots in your business. Whether you build a Quiq bot or use a third-party bot, Quiq IQ supports humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots working seamlessly together.

Easily orchestrate automated conversations involving both bots and humans across every digital channel. Let’s take a closer look at Quiq IQ and how easily you can deploy bots into your business.

Building Bots

Building a chatbot has never been easier with our intuitive bot designer. Our point and click interface helps you visualize and build your ideal conversation flow.

Your customers can engage with a bot to efficiently place an order, quickly get a order status update, or even gather more information on a product. There’s plenty of options. With Quiq IQ, you can effortlessly map out intent, using a few key words to determine the customers motive and make it easy to get to a human agent whenever the customer wants.

Made some changes and want to undo those changes? Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we made a bot designer with versioning, so you can revert to whatever saved version of your bot you want to work with. You can work fearlessly within our bot designer to create a basic workflow and build on it as necessary. Read more about versioning in our the Quiq Knowledge Center.

Every bot you create works across all of Quiq’s supported platforms. Build your bot once and run it on SMS/text messaging, rich messaging channels like Apple Business Chat and Google RBM, web chat, and social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Get the full Bot Designer Guide in our Knowledge Center.

Integrating Bots

The Quiq Bot API is a simple way to make conversations flow seamlessly between humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots. Quiq’s bot framework facilitates syncing and relaying data between bots and applications.

Quiq IQ enables you to use the right tools at the right time. Quiq’s bot framework allows for integration to third-party systems. Use webhooks to communicate with external systems, trigger other messages, or other bot behaviors.

Conversation Rules

With Quiq IQ, you can build rule sets that can be fired on any conversation event (e.g. start or end a conversation, assign the conversation to another agent or bot, or start a new message). Conversation rules make it possible to orchestrate a seamless experience for your customer throughout the conversation.

Without using code, you can build rules that control when a conversation gets escalated to a human agent or higher tier of support. For example, if the last customer message in a conversation contains the keywords “angry” or “frustrated”, you could create a conversation rule around that condition and add an action to send an auto-response such as “We’re sorry that we’re not meeting your expectations. Let me get you to a human”, and then send the conversation to a human agent for more assistance by routing the conversation to an escalation queue.

Deploy Chatbots today

Clients like Stio and Brinks Home Security have realized major gains in productivity across their digital customer service channels. With the help of Quiq IQ, these clients and many others have quickly deployed bots within their companies to deflect calls, assist human agents, and expedite conversations to resolution.

Quiq IQ is a bot builder unlike any other on the market today:

  • The Quiq bot designer helps anyone create a bot. An intuitive, graphical designer makes creating a bot workflow a breeze.
  • Messages are automatically transformed to the richest form possible for every channel, so bot developers don’t need to worry about channel capabilities
  • Quiq Bots and third-party bots work seamlessly with agents, participating before, during, or after any conversation.
  • Agents can invite a bot to join a conversation to capture information at any time during the conversation and the bot will pass it back when done.

We’re ready to help you deploy your ideal bot strategy. Schedule some time so we can help you most effectively deploy bots across your organization.

See a Demo Today

Digital Customer Engagement for Retail

As messaging continues to help spur retail growth, we’ve seen more companies look to this channel to improve the customer experience. We’ve aggregated some of our most popular resources to help you with your research into messaging for your business.

Top Retail Use Cases:

Feel free to download these resources:

Quiq’s Retail Stats 1-Pager

Real results from leading brands using Quiq’s messaging platform to deliver brand-defining experiences.

Download the PDF

7 Reasons Your Customers Want To Text You

Your customers want to text you. Read our most popular white paper that spells out the 7 compelling reasons to implement messaging now.

Download the PDF

Ebook: Messaging Best Practices for Retailers

Expert advice on launching and implementing messaging within your business.

download the pdf

Quiq’s Essential Guide to TCPA for Retailers

Implementing messaging in your organization means maintaining TCPA compliance. Here’s how it’s done.

download the pdf

Quiq’s Chatbot Workbook
Download our easy to follow, step-by-step guide to understanding and implementing bots in any organization.

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Join These Leading Brands Who Use Messaging