Forrester Report: The State of Conversational AI Read the report —>

How Stio Geared Up For Growth

Since opening its doors in 2012, Stio has embraced a direct-to-consumer model selling high-quality, active apparel for outdoor enthusiasts online and in-store. Clearly, the market has embraced them right back, experiencing rapid growth, especially in eCommerce which makes up 75% of the company’s revenue.

The mountain lifestyle brand, headquartered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming realized that it had to scale its digital customer experience to keep up with that growth. The company looked for technology that was just as adaptable and functional as their gear, turning to Quiq’s messaging, web chat, and bot platform for support.

The Good Problem of Growth

Stio's use of web chat messaging bots for retailers has helped the company deflect phone callsWhen Kim Essensa, Stio’s Customer Experience Manager, joined the company in June of 2018, Stio had been experiencing annual growth rates of 52 percent. In the second quarter of 2018, Stio’s growth accelerated to an impressive 70% year over year.

That kind of growth comes with a few growing pains, especially in a contact center of 7. Based on previous experience in both her personal and professional life, Kim felt that live chat could help alleviate some of the load. The company already had a simple version of live chat available on their website but hadn’t turned it on. Her instincts were right. Turning on web chat helped the contact center feel an immediate relief.

Kim knew that text messaging was the next natural progression for engagement with consumers. While she had experience with other vendors like Live Chat, Olark, and Boldchat, she knew that having SMS and text messaging were key to take the company to the next level. Kim had used Quiq at her previous employer and evaluated it for Stio, knowing that it was going to have to make an impact on their efficiency, while working with their current systems.

“A few other programs were vetted. The relationship I had with Quiq before and knowing how responsive everyone is there, especially with tech issues, is what made Quiq stand out for me. When something is not working, you just need it fixed.”

~Kim Essensa, Stio

Quiq fit with the vision of where Stio wanted their contact center to be and the company went live with Quiq’s web chat on October 1. Implementation was short and successful, and employees only had to receive a small amount of training to get started,

“The platform is so intuitive and easy to use that the amount of training it takes to give it to my staff was super minimal,” says Kim. Having Quiq in place with a trained and ready staff was crucial since Q4 was looming on the horizon and like other retailers, the holiday season would make up a good portion of the company’s annual revenue.

Improving Efficiency 

Before the holidays, Stio onboarded an after hours contact center to handle chat when the in-house team was offline. The after-hours answering service has been able to take some of the pressure off of Stio’s team during business hours as well, easily managing chat on Quiq’s messaging platform with very little training or day to day management from Kim and her team.

The increase in productivity helped employees and customers over the holiday season. Kim puts it this way, “Last year we were leaving the office with 300 emails in the inbox. This year we’re leaving with like 30.” After the holidays, Stio turned on text messaging and saw call volumes drop by 9%. 

“Agents love Quiq. It’s just intuitive and super easy to use.”

~Kim Essensa, Stio

Now, Stio’s agents handle inbound messages from SMS, web chat, and Facebook Messenger all within Quiq’s intelligent workspace. Questions are typically focused on orders, with inquiries around shipping status or price adjustments. Now, if a customer just placed an order and the final cost didn’t reflect the promo code entered, they don’t have to call in and wait on hold for help. Now, they can send a text and get a faster response, since Stio’s agents can handle multiple conversations simultaneously.


In 2019, Stio took another step toward more efficient operations. Stio was one of the first companies to embrace Quiq’s bots across their messaging channels. Kim worked with the Quiq team to scope out what the Stio bot experience should be. It was important for Kim to keep the bot language short, simple, and casual, so it would feel like consumers are engaging with a human. It was also important to give customers easy access to a human agent whenever they wanted . Within a few days, the bot was up and running on the site.

Stio saw immediate results from implementing bots. The company, which drops 1.2 million catalogs for the holidays, used to take requests from customers who wished to be removed from the physical mailer. Today, a bot does it all on behalf of the agents- from beginning to end. During the first two weeks after implementing this single bot, Kim saved 83 precious agent hours on the catalog process alone. Agents can now concentrate on helping customers find the gear they want instead of managing catalog removals.

Quiq’s Shopify Integration

Stio recently integrated Quiq Messaging with their Shopify account. This integration gives agents incredible visibility into what the consumer is doing. They can see which web page the customer is looking at and what’s in their cart in real-time. According to Essensa, this has drastically reduced the time it takes agents to collect that information from customers and makes the experience smoother and faster for customers.

Stio is focused on keeping their agents available for customers who need human attention. That’s why they’ve introduced bots. When a customer uses messaging, a bot will collect core information from customers and take action on that information, sending the conversation to the best-suited human agent.

Kim believes the integration of Quiq and Shopify will increase overall cart value and conversions because agents will be better equipped with the information they need to close the transaction with the customer.

What’s in Store For Messaging

Stio is approaching conversational commerce from a very personal level and they are using technology to help “For us, it’s that natural conversation between the customer and the agent. We really want the customer to feel at home with Stio, like they’re talking to their best friend who just recommended the best ski kit in the world. We really try to make it a personal experience.” states Kim.

Stio continues to look for ways to make their customers experience more fluid and personal. “From the epic to every day”, that’s the mantra that inspires the team at Stio to create gear known for technical performance, quality, and versatility. Leave it to them to bring that same ingenuity to their customer experience with Quiq’s messaging platform.

Let’s put technology to work for you in your company to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and deliver a seamless customer experience. Schedule a demo to discuss messaging and how Quiq can work with your company’s unique processes and systems.

See a Demo Today

How Higher Ed Can Manage Coronavirus Communications

The COVID-19/coronavirus has caused many universities to cancel lectures, extra-curricular activities, and large gatherings. Many are switching to online classes as a precaution to stop the spread of the virus.

Virtual classrooms have been changing mainstream education for some time, but the change has been evolutionary. COVID-19 has caused massive disruption forcing colleges and universities to quickly move from traditional education and brace themselves for the transition to virtual classrooms.

Many institutions are experiencing a flood of phone calls as parents and students seek information about campus operations, as well as COVID-19 updates. In this article, we’ll show you how digital technology helps higher education by taking the burden off of their switchboard and providing real-time information that emails and website updates can’t.

Messaging for Higher Education

The use of messaging as a way to quickly connect with students and parents isn’t a new concept.  Higher Education Institutions like Texas A& M implemented messaging well before the COVID-19 pandemic to increase their speed of acknowledgment and response times to inquiries. The use of messaging also increased student engagement.

The Coronavirus has taken the need for on-demand information to a new level. Local and state governments, like the City of Knoxville, have quickly implemented messaging to keep citizens informed during this time of uncertainty. Now, colleges and universities are following suit.

Here are 4 reasons universities are taking advantage of bots and digital channels, like messaging and chat:

  • Provide 24X7, real-time updates to students

As calls regarding coronavirus updates continue to swell, colleges and universities struggle to keep pace with existing staff. Shifting calls to digital channels is one step that allows staff to handle multiple conversations at one time. In addition, bots are being used to help parents and students, who may have questions, that can be answered without needing to speak to a person. If a human is needed, visitors can type a word like “human” to quickly exit the bot conversation and speak to someone directly.

  • Scale quickly

Your staff can handle multiple, simultaneous text messaging conversations at one time versus one phone call at a time. People don’t always expect an immediate response on text, giving your staff time to handle multiple, simultaneous conversations. Asynchronous conversations allow you to quickly scale and improve your level of service.

  • Send proactive communications 

The situation is rapidly evolving.  As guidelines change, schools that want to keep their campus community up to date can send outbound, two-way conversational messages. Your school can maintain the trust and credibility it has earned with proactive, real-time updates..

  • Deliver consistent and accurate information

The ability to broadly share information is another reason to consider using text messaging. Quiq’s messaging platform enables staff to save standard replies, called snippets, that can be shared with just a few keystrokes. This means that the same message can be consistently shared across multiple channels.  For campuses with large student bodies, extended campuses, or satellite locations, this could prove to be extremely important as new information arises and institutional guidelines are adjusted.

Communicating Updates About COVID-19

Quiq’s COVID-19 Bot

With Quiq’s messaging platform, we’ve made it easy to present menu options that help visitors get to the right information. As an example, we’ve created a bot to provide guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Example of managing covid-19 coronavirus communications for college and universities

Chatbots are easy to create and fast to deploy while providing incredible flexibility. As new information becomes available, you can easily update the bot to keep your campus community up-to-date. Quiq’s bot designer uses a drag-and-drop format that makes it easy for any staff member to change and update menu options.

Quiqsilver bot

City of Knoxville

The City of Knoxville recently deployed a version of Quiq’s COVID-19 Bot to provide citizens with timely information. Visitors to the site can interact with the chatbot by clicking on the chat bubble.

From there, a selection of menu options is presented to the visitor such as “How It Spreads” or “Travel”. The City of Knoxville has also chosen to include information specific to the county so that citizens can get local updates as well.

City of Knoxville managing covid19 coronavirus communications state and local government

Successfully Implementing Messaging

COVID19 information is constantly being updated. Quiq’s messaging platform can be live on your site in a couple of days with just a few simple edits to your website. Your existing landlines can send and receive messages from SMS/text, web chat, and social channels. With minimum training, your staff can be up and running, helping students get the information they need.

Quiq is ready to work with you on offering modern digital channels that have proved more efficient and effective than phone calls and emails. Allow your faculty and staff to focus on delivering world-class education instead of fielding questions. Schedule time today to discuss messaging.

See a Demo Today

Retailers Are Leaving Money On The…Tablet and Smartphone

The 2019 holiday season saw Cyber Monday break ecommerce records with $9.4 billion coming from online sales. An impressive $3 billion of those sales occurred on a smartphone – double the prior year. Mobile rules consumers’ personal lives and how organizations engage with consumers via mobile is quickly evolving.

Mobile shopping has been clearly gaining ground year over year, but retailers are still “catching up” to consumer’s preferences. In a recent survey conducted by Sapio research titled “2020 Mobile Retail Trends”, retailers admit they have a lot of work to do.

Let’s take a brief look at the history of mobile shopping for insight into why this game of catch-up is afoot. Then, we’ll examine the mobile retail trends happening today which are shaping the future of retailer’s mobile shopping strategy.

The Evolution of M-Commerce or Mobile Shopping

Believe it or not, consumers have been buying things on their phones since 1997. Back then, purchases were limited to ringtones and services. No one called it M-commerce then, but that term now describes any monetary transaction completed using a mobile device.  As years passed, transactions became more sophisticated, but the first tangible goods weren’t sold until 2003. Even then, the process required users to register their bank accounts online and reply “yes” to special offers sent to them through text messages.

Mobile shopping didn’t really get a boost until the first iPhones were released in 2007. Turns out, putting the internet into everyone’s pocket would change everything. According to data from Ericsson, data usage exploded at a staggering rate, while voice data clipped on at a steady pace over the years.

The accessibility and freedom that smart devices offer created a whole new generation of tech-savvy and informed buyers. At the same time, the number of new services, like streaming videos and music, shaped a new expectation that purchases should be available instantly.

Not only did consumers expect retailers to make products more available, but they expected any pre-sales service or post-sales support to be available too, especially with the ever-growing popularity of social channels like Facebook and Twitter adding to the digital places consumers expect to see their favorite retailers and brands. All of these changes took place at a staggering rate, leaving many retailers trying to discern where and how they should best invest their resources.

That brings us to today. The new era of mobile commerce requires retailers to have a presence on the digital channels their customers spend their time, including SMS/text, mobile web chat, and social channels. M-commerce has evolved into conversational commerce, and there are real costs to missing out on this new way of doing business.

The Cost of Missing Out on Conversational Commerce

According to comScore, mobile retailers are missing an opportunity to capitalize on the amount of time consumers spend on their phones, evidenced by the gap between share of minutes and dollars spent. Four of the top five reasons consumers cite for not-converting on a mobile site involve basic difficulties with usability.

If you’ve ever visited a website that isn’t optimized for mobile on your phone, you know how frustrating it can be. Tiny buttons and links serve as impossible touch targets, scrolling that never ends, and forms that are difficult to fill out on a tiny keyboard, create hassles and often result in abandonment.

The issues above are a source of friction for consumers. The more friction, the less likely customers are to convert. Busy, stressed out, and impatient consumers are not willing to wait for a slow page to load or spend time trying to figure out how to add products to their carts.

Contrast that to the new conversational commerce way of engagement:

  • For example, let’s say you are shopping for some new decor on Pier 1’s website, so you send their customer service a text for a little help. Pier 1’s agent sends you a few options of artwork that may match your style by using rich messaging in order to better help you visualize your choices. You find artwork that you think would work over your couch and snap a picture of your room to view the artwork over your couch using augmented reality. Happy with the piece, the agent places it in your cart and you securely check out with just a few taps – all within the messaging conversation.

That’s a big difference from today, and it’s a difference that retailers can feel on their bottom line. According to research conducted by Sapio Research, 65% of respondents state that mobile technology has actually increased their revenue. For your customers, it means a more fluid experience. In fact, our clients have experienced double digit higher customer satisfaction scores with messaging versus traditional email and phone channels.

Trends Shaping Mobile Shopping

According to the “2020 Retail Mobile Trends Report”, the evolution of mobile shopping is clearly pointing retailers in the direction of being “mobile-first”. This goes way beyond making sure that your website has a responsive design. Although responsive design is important for a better experience across multiple screens, being mobile-first means just that – putting the mobile experience first.

In the 2020 Retail Mobile Trends Report, 37% of retailers have integrated mobile into their holistic customer experience. From browsing to buying, to engaging with a brand online and in-store, mobile is part and parcel to the planned and purposeful buying experience. You can download the full report from Sapio from the Quiq website.

The majority of respondents (54%) to Sapio’s survey admitted that they’re not fully prepared to meet consumer demands for mobile, and it shows. According to the latest conversion rate data by Smartinsights, approximately 4.14% of consumers convert when shopping on their desktop, while only 1.53% of shoppers convert on their mobile phone.

Seizing Mobile Retail Trends

Mobile is the future of retail and consumers will not tolerate the outdated retail processes and channels that existed before smartphones, like calling a 1-800 number and waiting on hold to place an order. If you’re like most retailers, you may be wondering what the fastest way to seize the opportunity of today’s mobile retail preference is. Luckily, there’s a way to leapfrog into this new era of conversational commerce by implementing messaging.

With Quiq’s messaging platform, you can enable your current landlines to send and receive messages across a wide portfolio of digital channels. Skip the app entirely. You can easily provide your customers with rich messaging experiences through Google Business Messaging and Apple Business Chat, allowing them to browse, shop, and complete secure transactions without leaving the messaging conversation. With Quiq’s conversational engagement platform, companies can easily orchestrate commerce and service conversations involving both bots and humans.

If you’re ready to dismiss the reservations around messaging and increase your mobile conversion rate, set up some time to discuss it with one of our messaging experts. We’re looking forward to helping you ride this wave of mobile retail trends to a more profitable future.

See a Demo Today

What is Digital Customer Service?

When defining digital customer service, it may be easier to say what it is rather than what it isn’t. In order to do that, let’s define the opposite of digital customer service as “traditional customer service.” Traditional customer service takes place over the phone or after waiting in line to speak to someone face-to-face. On the other hand, digital customer service means serving your customers across digital channels. These channels would include email, SMS / text messaging, live chat, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, and more.

Digital or online service channels have exploded. Consumers love having a wide variety of ways to reach out to a company, because it means they can pick the channel that is most comfortable or accessible to them – versus being forced to make a phone call. It means companies can deliver a great experience, with less work, and that means a lot.

The asynchronous nature of digital service means that agents can handle multiple simultaneous conversations. Customers don’t expect an immediate answer, which gives agents the ability to address more than one inquiry at a time. It also gives customers the freedom to set the pace of the conversation.

Digital Customer Service Solutions Today

Digital channels that once were new and novel are now the norm, like email and Facebook. However, digital channels continue to expand, as well as the technologies that support them. For example, Apple and Google have taken plain text messaging and made it rich. Rich messaging allows for secure payments, scheduling appointments, and the ability to share more sophisticated content. Also, chatbots can be part of nearly every digital interaction and can be deployed as a great compliment to human interactions.

The ubiquity of mobile devices to research, browse, shop, and purchase products has created the need for more web-based service channels that offer assistance without requiring customers to find time to pick up the phone and call a company. Thus, we have seen the the increase of digital customer service solutions and the ability to assist your customers on their digital channel of choice.

Your customers expect a seamless, convenient, and easy digital experience whenever they engage with you. Whether they are looking for help while shopping on your website, trying to book an appointment in your mobile app, or contacting customer service through a Twitter direct message with a question about their order.

Digital customer service can go by other names such as digital customer experience, digital customer care, or digital customer support. Regardless of what you call it, the definition is the same – serving your customers across digital channels and platforms such as SMS/text, live chat, and social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat.

Increased Demand for Digital Customer Service

There are four main reasons companies pursue a digital customer service strategy:

Customer Preferences

Forrester’s executive report, The Digital Customer Experience Improvement Playbook, succinctly sums up the current state of affairs for customer service:

“Customers demand that their digital interactions with your brand be seamless and span devices; that they be able to engage with your brand whenever and wherever they’d like; and that every encounter meet their needs in the moment.”

Companies are adopting a digital-first approach to meet customers wherever they are. Customers demand their channel of choice, whatever that channel may be, to engage with a company. That’s why so many service and support leaders across all industries, in companies of every size, are offering digital channels like SMS, WeChat, and Facebook for customer service and support.


As consumers seek companies that are easy to engage with, competition continues to offer more options. Customer service organizations are rapidly adopting digital channels and capabilities to meet customer needs and set them apart from their competition.


Gartner estimates that live channels such as phone, chat, and email can cost an average of $8.01 per contact vs. $.1o to serve on digital channels. Service and support leaders who use these channels as their primary customer contact methods are under pressure to reduce the cost to serve customers.


The 2019 holiday season saw mobile sales via smartphones break the $3 billion mark according to TechCrunch; up from the $1.5 billion spent on Cyber Monday a year prior. Scaling resources to meet increased demand, especially from consumers that instinctively reach for their mobile device to engage with companies throughout their entire purchase, is another reason digital customer service is on the rise.

Leaders facing these challenges turned their focus to improving how, when, and where they serve their customers across digital channels with the intent of putting the customer at the center of it all.

And by doing so, they have impacted their business by:

  • Engaging with customers they normally would not have reached
  • Differentiating themselves with easy and convenient access for customers
  • Reducing costs with the shift from phone calls to digital
  • Increasing customer satisfaction with much preferred digital channels

Digital Customer Service – Who’s Doing It Right

A quick glance through the client section of our blog will give you an idea of just some of the diversity we see in industries and use cases. But let’s take a closer look to see what a few of these companies are doing and the results they’re achieving,

Increased Engagement has seen a 98% open rate when communicating with people through texts. As of today, over 15% of all contacts that used to come in via the phone are now coming into the contact center via text.

Aspira, helps people book and manage outdoor recreation reservations. They receive about 300 to 400 texts a day. The ability to text for help is particularly helpful since their clientele is usually in transit to, or already on-site, at a campground or park facility.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

The Laundress has been able to offer a more personalized, “high-touch” experience for the customers of the high-end brand of soaps, detergents, and cleaning supplies. Since implementing Quiq, the retailer handles everything from questions about scents and order status to product recommendations all through text.

Reduced Costs

Outdoor gear and apparel retailer, evo, has successfully reduced their volume of phone calls by implementing Quiq Messaging and chat. Since using the Quiq platform, average call volume has dropped from 70% to 50% of total contact volume.

Optimized Resources

Tailored Brands, known for men’s suits and outstanding customer service, added text messaging to their arsenal of digital channels. Text messaging enables agents to handle 5 text conversations at a time and upwards of 8 during peak demand.

The First Step In Your Digital Customer Service Journey

Let Quiq help you navigate the possibilities and potential of digital channels like SMS / text messaging, rich messaging, web chat, Facebook, and more.

Quiq is an experienced partner who delivers consistently jaw-dropping customer experiences across SMS/text messaging, rich messaging, web chat, and social channels. Quiq’s Conversational Engagement Platform, easily orchestrates commerce and service conversations involving both bots and humans. Let’s connect to better understand your business priorities and objectives so we help you make an impact with digital customer service.

What Messaging and Chatbots Can Do For Your Business

Messaging and chatbots impact on customer service have become the super hero combo where it’s sometimes hard to tell which one is the sidekick because they are both so powerful. Messaging provides the channels that make it possible for you to have more efficient engagement with customers over SMS/Text, web chat, and social, while chatbots help you to automate those conversations.

Chatbots should be easy to build, behave in a way that is natural for customers, and should go across your digital channels. Or at least, that’s the way we think they should be. That’s why Quiq made it easy to build and deploy bots that can be tied to one or multiple messaging channels. We want bots to blend seamlessly in with agents, third-party bots, and other systems within your organization. But we’ll get to that later.

In this post, we’ll take you through some real-world examples from companies who have easily taken their customer engagement to a whole new level with a surprisingly fast implementation of messaging and bots

Messaging + Bots – Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Example chat bot messaging experienceImplementing chatbots with messaging has become the defacto strategy for leaders who seek the holy grail of more efficiency and reduced costs, along with a higher level of service to their customers. Without a doubt, it’s paying dividends. From sales to service and all points in between, companies like Stio, Brinks Security, Club Med, and Office Depot are discovering new use cases to streamline their workflow and save “hu”man hours.

Let’s take a look at the outdoor apparel company, Stio. Like most retailers, this direct-to-consumer company counts on 4th quarter holiday revenue to take the year into the black. Hence the importance and origin story for Black Friday.

With the holidays on the horizon, Stio’s Customer Service Manager, Kim Essensa, turned on web chat and felt an immediate relief from the decrease in calls to their contact center. Past experience had taught Kim that text messaging with Quiq was the next logical step.

Stio implemented web chat with Quiq in October of 2018 and turned on text messaging after the holidays. They immediately realized a 9% decrease in calls. Now, agents handle inbound messages from SMS, web chat, and Facebook ,all within Quiq’s unified workspace. Questions, which are usually about their catalogs or orders, such as shipping status or price adjustments, are handled faster with asynchronous messaging.

In 2019, Stio took another step toward more efficient operations by combining messaging and chatbots in their business. The company, which drops over 1 million catalogs a year, receives calls into their contact center from customers asking to be removed from the physical mailer because they’d rather shop online. Prior to implementing a bot, agents would take those calls one-by-one or the customer would have to leave a voicemail for the agent to handle during work hours . Now, Stio’s bot handles the entire catalog cancellation interaction, saving over 80 agent hours in the first two weeks of implementing bots – that is one full headcount!

Improved conversation quality and scalability?

Synergy – remember that word. If there was ever a time to use it to describe two things working together to achieve an outcome greater than the individual efforts, it would be that time. Brinks Home Security saw the advantages of chatbots with messaging to streamline their busy contact center and to grow their business.

Brinks turned on Quiq Messaging in January of 2018. Brinks’ customers readily embraced the new channel for everything troubleshooting a major issue with their security system, to billing, or to just replacing batteries in their hardware. By adding the messaging channel, Brinks has seen a 14 percentage point improvement in customer satisfaction, increased agent effectiveness, improvements to the bottom line, and a more engaged customer experience.

With nearly 20% of calls moving from the phone to the messaging channel, Brinks has realized significant cost savings. With messaging, agents handle anywhere from 4-6 conversations at a time, as opposed to a 1-to-1 phone conversation.

Now, Brinks is using both messaging and bots to grow their customer base. When a customer returns a satisfaction survey that is positive, they receive a text message inviting them to Brinks’ exclusive referral program where they can earn exclusive hardware for themselves and anyone they refer to Brinks when they sign on. Once referred prospects go live, the Brinks referral bot reaches out to congratulate and thank the referrer and referred parties and ship their new equipment. The program is expected to significantly reduce the customer acquisition costs, while not requiring additional agents to manage.

Integrating With Other Systems

Several Quiq clients have strategically followed a crawl-walk-run strategy when implementing messaging and bots. Stio has been a prime example of a company that started with a basic feature, like web chat, as a foundation for text messaging and bots.

Stio recently integrated Quiq Messaging with their Shopify account. The integration provides agents more insight into which web page the customer is looking at and what’s in their cart, which reduces inquiry time.

Stio continues to push the limits of efficiency and automation because they are focused on keeping their agents available for customers who need human attention. When a customer uses messaging, a bot can collect information and take action on that information. As the screenshot illustrates, the Stio bot captures what the customer’s intent is for the conversation. Once the conversation reaches a point more suited for an agent’s attention, the bot transfers the conversation to an agent.

Stio is optimistic about the integration and believes they’ll see an increase in cart value and conversions because agents will be better equipped with the information they need to close the transaction with their customers.

Conversation with chat user

Industries that benefit from having Chatbots

  1. E-commerce Industry
  2. Medicine Industry
  3. Human Resource Industry
  4. Travel Industry
  5. Real Estate Industry
  6. Banking Industry
  7. Hospitality Industry
  8. . . . & many more!

Getting started with Chatbots and Messaging

As you can tell from the examples above, there are plenty of ways to deploy bots with messaging to gain efficiency and productivity. From the beginning, Quiq Messaging has provided a way for customers to message companies like they do with family and friends.

With Quiq, companies can use new or existing landlines to send and receive text messages over SMS/Text, Apple Business Chat, Google Rich Business Messaging, web chat and social channels. With Quiq’s newest product offering, Quiq IQ, we’ve brought all of the features you need to easily orchestrate automated conversations involving bots and humans across every channel.

Schedule some time today to talk through messaging and the areas of your business it can make the most impact. We’re happy to help.

See a Demo Today

Quiq’s New Product Announcement: Quiq IQ

Quiq is on a mission to transform customer conversations. First, we made it easier for companies to engage with customers over the digital channels they prefer, like SMS/text, web chat, and social. Now, we’re making it possible to automate those conversations and streamline your workflow with the help of bots and conversation rules.

We’re excited to announce a new product to our lineup called Quiq IQ, a complete solution to build, manage and optimize chatbots for your business. In short, Quiq IQ is the no-code, intuitive answer to building and deploying bots in your business. Whether you build a Quiq bot or use a third-party bot, Quiq IQ supports humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots working seamlessly together.

Easily orchestrate automated conversations involving both bots and humans across every digital channel. Let’s take a closer look at Quiq IQ and how easily you can deploy bots into your business.

Quiqsilver bot

Building Bots

Building a chatbot has never been easier with our intuitive bot designer. Our point-and-click interface helps you visualize and build your ideal conversation flow.

Your customers can engage with a bot to efficiently place an order, quickly get an order status update, or even gather more information on a product. There are plenty of options. With Quiq IQ, you can effortlessly map out intent, using a few keywords to determine the customer’s motive and make it easy to get to a human agent whenever the customer wants.

Made some changes and want to undo those changes? Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we made a bot designer with versioning, so you can revert to whatever saved version of your bot you want to work with. You can work fearlessly within our bot designer to create a basic workflow and build on it as necessary. Read more about versioning in our Quiq Knowledge Center.

Every bot you create works across all of Quiq’s supported platforms. Build your bot once and run it on SMS/text messaging, rich messaging channels like Apple Business Chat and Google RBM, web chat, and social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Get the full Bot Designer Guide in our Knowledge Center.

Integrating Bots

The Quiq Bot API is a simple way to make conversations flow seamlessly between humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots. Quiq’s bot framework facilitates syncing and relaying data between bots and applications.

Quiq IQ enables you to use the right tools at the right time. Quiq’s bot framework allows for integration to third-party systems. Use webhooks to communicate with external systems, trigger other messages, or other bot behaviors.

Mountain bot

Conversation Rules

With Quiq IQ, you can build rule sets that can be fired on any conversation event (e.g. start or end a conversation, assign the conversation to another agent or bot, or start a new message). Conversation rules make it possible to orchestrate a seamless experience for your customer throughout the conversation.

Without using code, you can build rules that control when a conversation gets escalated to a human agent or higher tier of support. For example, if the last customer message in a conversation contains the keywords “angry” or “frustrated”, you could create a conversation rule around that condition and add an action to send an auto-response such as “We’re sorry that we’re not meeting your expectations. Let me get you to a human”, and then send the conversation to a human agent for more assistance by routing the conversation to an escalation queue.

How may we help you?

Deploy Chatbots today

Clients like Stio and Brinks Home Security have realized major gains in productivity across their digital customer service channels. With the help of Quiq IQ, these clients and many others have quickly deployed bots within their companies to deflect calls, assist human agents, and expedite conversations to resolution.

Quiq IQ is a bot builder unlike any other on the market today:

  • The Quiq bot designer helps anyone create a bot. An intuitive, graphical designer makes creating a bot workflow a breeze.
  • Messages are automatically transformed to the richest form possible for every channel, so bot developers don’t need to worry about channel capabilities
  • Quiq Bots and third-party bots work seamlessly with agents, participating before, during, or after any conversation.
  • Agents can invite a bot to join a conversation to capture information at any time during the conversation and the bot will pass it back when done.

We’re ready to help you deploy your ideal bot strategy. Schedule some time so we can help you most effectively deploy bots across your organization.

See a Demo Today

Destination CRM: Quiq Launches Quiq IQ for Designing and Deploying Bots

Quiq is on a mission to transform customer conversations. First, we made it easier for companies to engage with customers over the digital channels they prefer, like SMS/text, web chat, and social. Now, we’re making it possible to automate those conversations and streamline your workflow with the help of bots and conversation rules.

We’re excited to announce a new product to our lineup called Quiq IQ, a complete solution to build, manage and optimize chatbots for your business. In short, Quiq IQ is the no-code, intuitive answer to building and deploy bots in your business. Whether you build a Quiq bot or use a third-party bot, Quiq IQ supports humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots working seamlessly together.

Easily orchestrate automated conversations involving both bots and humans across every digital channel. Let’s take a closer look at Quiq IQ and how easily you can deploy bots into your business.

Quiqsilver bot

Building Bots

Building a chatbot has never been easier with our intuitive bot designer. Our point-and-click interface helps you visualize and build your ideal conversation flow.

Your customers can engage with a bot to efficiently place an order, quickly get a order status update, or even gather more information on a product. There are plenty of options. With Quiq IQ, you can effortlessly map out intent, using a few keywords to determine the customer’s motive and make it easy to get to a human agent whenever the customer wants.

Made some changes and want to undo those changes? Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we made a bot designer with versioning, so you can revert to whatever saved version of your bot you want to work with. You can work fearlessly within our bot designer to create a basic workflow and build on it as necessary. Read more about versioning in our the Quiq Knowledge Center.

Every bot you create works across all of Quiq’s supported platforms. Build your bot once and run it on SMS/text messaging, rich messaging channels like Apple Business Chat and Google RBM, web chat, and social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Get the full Bot Designer Guide in our Knowledge Center.

Integrating Bots

The Quiq Bot API is a simple way to make conversations flow seamlessly between humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots. Quiq’s bot framework facilitates syncing and relaying data between bots and applications.

Quiq IQ enables you to use the right tools at the right time. Quiq’s bot framework allows for integration to third-party systems. Use webhooks to communicate with external systems, trigger other messages, or other bot behaviors.

call webhook

Conversation Rules

With Quiq IQ, you can build rule sets that can be fired on any conversation event (e.g. start or end a conversation, assign the conversation to another agent or bot, or start a new message). Conversation rules make it possible to orchestrate a seamless experience for your customer throughout the conversation.

Without using code, you can build rules that control when a conversation gets escalated to a human agent or higher tier of support. For example, if the last customer message in a conversation contains the keywords “angry” or “frustrated”, you could create a conversation rule around that condition and add an action to send an auto-response such as “We’re sorry that we’re not meeting your expectations. Let me get you to a human”, and then send the conversation to a human agent for more assistance by routing the conversation to an escalation queue.

how may we help you message from chat bot

Deploy Chatbots today

Clients like Stio and Brinks Home Security have realized major gains in productivity across their digital customer service channels. With the help of Quiq IQ, these clients and many others have quickly deployed bots within their companies to deflect calls, assist human agents, and expedite conversations to resolution.

Quiq IQ is a bot builder unlike any other on the market today:

  • The Quiq bot designer helps anyone create a bot. An intuitive, graphical designer makes creating a bot workflow a breeze.
  • Messages are automatically transformed to the richest form possible for every channel, so bot developers don’t need to worry about channel capabilities
  • Quiq Bots and third-party bots work seamlessly with agents, participating before, during, or after any conversation.
  • Agents can invite a bot to join a conversation to capture information at any time during the conversation and the bot will pass it back when done.

We’re ready to help you deploy your ideal bot strategy. Schedule some time so we can help you most effectively deploy bots across your organization.

See a Demo Today

National Association of Convenience Stores: Retailers Tackle Mobile Shopping

Quiq is on a mission to transform customer conversations. First we made it easier for companies to engage with customers over the digital channels they prefer, like SMS/text, web chat, and social. Now, we’re making it possible to automate those conversations and streamline your workflow with the help of bots and conversation rules.

We’re excited to announce a new product to our lineup called Quiq IQ, a complete solution to build, manage and optimize chatbots for your business. In short, Quiq IQ is the no-code, intuitive answer to build and deploy bots in your business. Whether you build a Quiq bot or use a third-party bot, Quiq IQ supports humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots working seamlessly together.

Easily orchestrate automated conversations involving both bots and humans across every digital channel. Let’s take a closer look at Quiq IQ and how easily you can deploy bots into your business.

Building Bots

Building a chatbot has never been easier with our intuitive bot designer. Our point and click interface helps you visualize and build your ideal conversation flow.

Your customers can engage with a bot to efficiently place an order, quickly get a order status update, or even gather more information on a product. There’s plenty of options. With Quiq IQ, you can effortlessly map out intent, using a few key words to determine the customers motive and make it easy to get to a human agent whenever the customer wants.

Made some changes and want to undo those changes? Hey, we’ve all been there. That’s why we made a bot designer with versioning, so you can revert to whatever saved version of your bot you want to work with. You can work fearlessly within our bot designer to create a basic workflow and build on it as necessary. Read more about versioning in our the Quiq Knowledge Center.

Every bot you create works across all of Quiq’s supported platforms. Build your bot once and run it on SMS/text messaging, rich messaging channels like Apple Business Chat and Google RBM, web chat, and social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Get the full Bot Designer Guide in our Knowledge Center.

Integrating Bots

The Quiq Bot API is a simple way to make conversations flow seamlessly between humans, Quiq bots, and third-party bots. Quiq’s bot framework facilitates syncing and relaying data between bots and applications.

Quiq IQ enables you to use the right tools at the right time. Quiq’s bot framework allows for integration to third-party systems. Use webhooks to communicate with external systems, trigger other messages, or other bot behaviors.

Conversation Rules

With Quiq IQ, you can build rule sets that can be fired on any conversation event (e.g. start or end a conversation, assign the conversation to another agent or bot, or start a new message). Conversation rules make it possible to orchestrate a seamless experience for your customer throughout the conversation.

Without using code, you can build rules that control when a conversation gets escalated to a human agent or higher tier of support. For example, if the last customer message in a conversation contains the keywords “angry” or “frustrated”, you could create a conversation rule around that condition and add an action to send an auto-response such as “We’re sorry that we’re not meeting your expectations. Let me get you to a human”, and then send the conversation to a human agent for more assistance by routing the conversation to an escalation queue.

Deploy Chatbots today

Clients like Stio and Brinks Home Security have realized major gains in productivity across their digital customer service channels. With the help of Quiq IQ, these clients and many others have quickly deployed bots within their companies to deflect calls, assist human agents, and expedite conversations to resolution.

Quiq IQ is a bot builder unlike any other on the market today:

  • The Quiq bot designer helps anyone create a bot. An intuitive, graphical designer makes creating a bot workflow a breeze.
  • Messages are automatically transformed to the richest form possible for every channel, so bot developers don’t need to worry about channel capabilities
  • Quiq Bots and third-party bots work seamlessly with agents, participating before, during, or after any conversation.
  • Agents can invite a bot to join a conversation to capture information at any time during the conversation and the bot will pass it back when done.

We’re ready to help you deploy your ideal bot strategy. Schedule some time so we can help you most effectively deploy bots across your organization.

See a Demo Today