What is Sentiment Analysis? – Ultimate Guide

A person only reaches out to a contact center when they’re having an issue. They can’t get a product to work the way they need it to, for example, or they’ve been locked out of their account.

The chances are high that they’re frustrated, angry, or otherwise in an emotionally-fraught state, and this is something contact center agents must understand and contend with.

The term “sentiment analysis” refers to the field of machine learning which focuses on developing algorithmic ways of detecting emotions in natural-language text, such as the messages exchanged between a customer and a contact center agent.

Making it easier to detect, classify, and prioritize messages on the basis of their sentiment is just one of many ways that technology is revolutionizing contact centers, and it’s the subject we’ll be addressing today.

Let’s get started!

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis involves using various approaches to natural language processing to identify the overall “sentiment” of a piece of text.

Take these three examples:

  1. “This restaurant is amazing. The wait staff were friendly, the food was top-notch, and we had a magnificent view of the famous New York skyline. Highly recommended.”
  2. “Root canals are never fun, but it certainly doesn’t help when you have to deal with a dentist as unprofessional and rude as Dr. Thomas.”
  3. “Toronto’s forecast for today is a high of 75 and a low of 61 degrees.”

Humans excel at detecting emotions, and it’s probably not hard for you to see that the first example is positive, the second is negative, and the third is neutral (depending on how you like your weather.)

There’s a greater challenge, however, in getting machines to make accurate classifications of this kind of data. How exactly that’s accomplished is the subject of the next section, but before we get to that, let’s talk about a few flavors of sentiment analysis.

What Types of Sentiment Analysis Are There?

It’s worth understanding the different approaches to sentiment analysis if you’re considering using it in your contact center.

Above, we provided an example of positive, negative, and neutral text. What we’re doing there is detecting the polarity of the text, and as you may have guessed, it’s possible to make much more fine-grained delineations of textual data.

Rather than simply detecting whether text is positive or negative, for example, we might instead use these categories: very positive, positive, neutral, negative, and very negative.

This would give us a better understanding of the message we’re looking at, and how it should be handled.

Instead of classifying text by its polarity, we might also use sentiment analysis to detect the emotions being communicated – rather than classifying a sentence as being “positive” or “negative”, in other words, we’d identify emotions like “anger” or “joy” contained in our textual data.

This is called “emotion detection” (appropriately enough), and it can be handled with long short-term memory (LSTM) or convolutional neural network (CNN) models.

Another, more granular approach to sentiment analysis is known as aspect-based sentiment analysis. It involves two basic steps: identifying “aspects” of a piece of text, then identifying the sentiment attached to each aspect.

Take the sentence “I love the zoo, but I hate the lines and the monkeys make fun of me.” It’s hard to assign an overall sentiment to the sentence – it’s generally positive, but there’s kind of a lot going on.

If we break out the “zoo”, “lines”, and “monkeys” aspects, however, we can see that there’s the positive sentiment attached to the zoo, and negative sentiment attached to the lines and the abusive monkeys.

Why is Sentiment Analysis Important?

It’s easy to see how aspect-based sentiment analysis would inform marketing efforts. With a good enough model, you’d be able to see precisely which parts of your offering your clients appreciate, and which parts they don’t. This would give you valuable information in crafting a strategy going forward.

This is true of sentiment analysis more broadly, and of emotion detection too.
You need to know what people are thinking, saying, and feeling about you and your company if you’re going to meet their needs well enough to make a profit.

Once upon a time, the only way to get these data was with focus groups and surveys. Those are still utilized, of course. But in the social media era, people are also not shy about sharing their opinions online, in forums, and similar outlets.

These oceans of words from an invaluable resource if you know how to mine them. When done correctly, sentiment analysis offers just the right set of tools for doing this at scale.

Challenges with Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis confers many advantages, but it is not without its challenges. Most of these issues boil down to handling subtleties or ambiguities in language.

Consider a sentence like “This is a remarkable product, but still not worth it at that price.” Calling a product “remarkable” is a glowing endorsement, tempered somewhat by the claim that its price is set too high. Most basic sentiment classifiers would probably call this “positive”, but as you can see, there are important nuances.

Another issue is sarcasm.

Suppose we showed you a sentence like “This movie was just great, I loved spending three hours of my Sunday afternoon following a story that could’ve been told in twenty minutes.”

A sentiment analysis algorithm is likely going to pick up on “great” and “loved” when calling this sentence positive.

But, as humans, we know that these are backhanded compliments meant to communicate precisely the opposite message.

Machine-learning systems will also tend to struggle with idioms that we all find easy to parse, such as “Setting up my home security system was a piece of cake.” This is positive because “piece of cake” means something like “couldn’t have been easier”, but an algorithm may or may not pick up on that.

Finally, we’ll mention the fact that much of the text in product reviews will contain useful information that doesn’t fit easily into a “sentiment” bucket. Take a sentence like “The new iPhone is smaller than the new Android.” This is just a bare statement of physical facts, and whether it counts as positive or negative depends a lot on what a given customer is looking for.

There are various ways of trying to ameliorate these issues, most of which are outside the scope of this article. For now, we’ll just note that sentiment analysis needs to be approached carefully if you want to glean an accurate picture of how people feel about your offering from their textual reviews. So long as you’re diligent about inspecting the data you show the system and are cautious in how you interpret the results, you’ll probably be fine.

Two people review data on a paper and computer to anticipate customer needs.

How Does Sentiment Analysis Work?

Now that we’ve laid out a definition of sentiment analysis, talked through a few examples, and made it clear why it’s so important, let’s discuss the nuts and bolts of how it works.

Sentiment analysis begins where all data science and machine learning projects begin: with data. Because sentiment analysis is based on textual data, you’ll need to utilize various techniques for preprocessing NLP data. Specifically, you’ll need to:

  • Tokenize the data by breaking sentences up into individual units an algorithm can process;
  • Use either stemming or lemmatization to turn words into their root form, i.e. by turning “ran” into “run”;
  • Filter out stop words like “the” or “as”, because they don’t add much to the text data.

Once that’s done, there are two basic approaches to sentiment analysis. The first is known as “rule-based” analysis. It involves taking your preprocessed textual data and comparing it against a pre-defined lexicon of words that have been tagged for sentiment.

If the word “happy” appears in your text it’ll be labeled “positive”, for example, and if the word “difficult” appears in your text it’ll be labeled “negative.”

(Rules-based sentiment analysis is more nuanced than what we’ve indicated here, but this is the basic idea.)

The second approach is based on machine learning. A sentiment analysis algorithm will be shown many examples of labeled sentiment data, from which it will learn a pattern that can be applied to new data the algorithm has never seen before.

Of course, there are tradeoffs to both approaches. The rules-based approach is relatively straightforward, but is unlikely to be able to handle the sorts of subtleties that a really good machine-learning system can parse.

Though machine learning is more powerful, however, it’ll only be as good as the training data it has been given; what’s more, if you’ve built some monstrous deep neural network, it might fail in mysterious ways or otherwise be hard to understand.

Supercharge Your Contact Center with Generative AI

Like used car salesmen or college history teachers, contact center managers need to understand the ways in which technology will change their business.

Machine learning is one such profoundly-impactful technology, and it can be used to automatically sort incoming messages by sentiment or priority and generally make your agents more effective.

Realizing this potential could be as difficult as hiring a team of expensive engineers and doing everything in-house, or as easy as getting in touch with us to see how we can integrate the Quiq conversational AI platform into your company.

If you want to get started quickly without spending a fortune, you won’t find a better option than Quiq.

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